Lumpy’s Poker Rally 2019
Start/ finish at One Mile park
Saturday Oct 5th
Registration open at 9:30 am
Ride at 10 am
$20 for PORCA members
$50 for non-PORCA members (includes $30 PORCA membership)
For 2019 PORCA and Pemberton Bike Co. bring you Lumpy’s Fall Epic, Triple Crown Poker Rally edition! The ride starts and finishes at One Mile Park. Entry includes a hot meal and a cold drink afterwards, with DJ to the U spinning tunes on the boat house. Ride the course at your own pace and collect as many cards as you can at check points. The best 5 card poker hand wins!
- We’ll be riding on open public roads at times; All rules of the road apply.
- Vehicle assistance will result in public humiliation. Pedal it for Lump.
Course description:
Start at One Mile beach 10am
1st card is Mackenzie parking lot
2nd card top of Backpains
3rd top of Fat Tug
4th top of K2
5th at the finish line on One Mile beach
Deadline to turn in your final hand is at 4 pm.
Food and drinks start at 2 pm at the One Mile Beach. Party will wrap up at 5 pm.