This week's ride is dedicated to Amalie Gunn from Liv Cycling who is undergoing treatment for Stage 2B Invasive breast cancer. Amalie has supported PORCA through sponsoring many events through the years most notably the Spud Crusher women's enduro. Now it's our turn to support her.
A Gofundme page has been set up where you can donate or please bring a cash donation at the start of this week's ride and I will donate on behalf of Bike Club. If you have any Liv gear - bring it! We will take a photo to send along to Amalie.
With the hot weather amongst us, we will keep the ride short but sweet - FAT TUG!!!
Sign in:
6:00 Begintermediate and Advanced
6:15 Intermediate
Meeting Location: Dogwood Street at Al Staeshli Park
Register here -!/events/womens-bike-club-august-19th-2020
If you need to cancel or can't make it please email or text 604-905-9140.
Registration is important for contact tracing and is required for PORCA to be able to have Bike Club happen so please don't just show up, make sure you sign up.
PORCA is committed to providing safe, community focused, fun and inclusive opportunities for mountain bikers of all levels. As we begin to offer events and programs, they will look a little different as we adhere to the recommended Provincial public health orders and guidelines.
The following is the Covid-19 Safety Plan for all PORCA events and programs:
Limited to 50 people maximum per event inclusive of participants and volunteers
Group limit of 10 riders inclusive of lead guide per time slot or meeting location
Pre-registration for each event required
All participants must be PORCA members
All participants must read and sign the “communicable diseases” waiver
All participants must read, sign and abide by the event “Participant Agreement”
When signing in on the day of the event, maintain 2m physical distancing
Ride leaders will provide a brief overview of rules and guidelines at the start of the event
Participants must maintain physical distancing while riding, when stopped to rest or to take in food/water
In the event of a mechanical, participant should be self-sufficient. If help is needed, participants should use self-supplied face masks, medical grade gloves and hand sanitizer appropriately
In the event first aid is required, the ride leader will follow WorkSafeBC OFAA protocols and use a PORCA supplied face mask and medical grade gloves appropriately
PORCA is not affiliated with activities that occur post ride. If participants choose to congregate after an event, we encourage them to practice physical distancing.